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Nov 16, 2012

In this podcast, we look at new Army training strategy, the role of Marines in protecting U.S. diplomatic installations abroad and the  recent creation of the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Caucus in the Senate.

Oct 31, 2012

In this podcast, we explore the top five threats to national security in the coming decade.

Sep 20, 2012

In this podcast, we look at how one organization is working to treat brain injuries, how unmanned aircraft manufacturers are looking overseas for new markets and the uncertain future for the MRAP.

Aug 22, 2012

In this podcast, we look at the uncertain future of aircraft carriers, how America’s electrical grids may be making us vulnerable to attacks and why companies are adopting military training technology for civilian use.

Jul 16, 2012

In this podcast, we look at how the Defense Department is developing non-lethal weapons, how security firms are working to stop piracy and the murky outlook for the Department of Homeland Security’s Unmanned Aerial Vehicles.